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Neck Lift and Tightening in Turkey

The neck is a prominent area where the signs of aging become apparent, and factors such as sun damage or significant weight loss can contribute to loose and sagging skin.
If you’ve noticed a loss of natural elasticity in your neck or excess skin and fat, a neck lift and tightening procedure in Turkey may be the solution you’re seeking to rejuvenate your appearance.
A neck lift and tightening procedure in Turkey can help you regain a more youthful and refreshed appearance, addressing the effects of aging and other contributing factors.
Consult with a qualified surgeon to explore your options and embark on a journey to rejuvenated neck aesthetics.

Aging and Its Effects on the Neck

Aging is a natural process that begins from the moment we are born. While gravity plays a role in skin sagging, various other factors like smoking, sun exposure, stress, and weight fluctuations can accelerate the aging of our skin.
Fortunately, neck lift surgery offers an effective way to address these concerns by tightening the neck skin and enhancing overall aesthetics.

Neck Lift And Tightening In Turkey Procedure

A neck lift surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat deposits from the neck area, coupled with the restructuring of underlying muscles.
The surgeon typically makes incisions either under your chin or behind your ears, with the location depending on the degree of skin laxity.
While some discomfort may be experienced in the hours and days following the surgery, reducing post-operative swelling can be achieved through the application of a flexible chin wrap or gentle massages.
Modern surgical advancements have led to neck lift procedures with minimal incisions and scarring, yet they yield exceptional, natural-looking results.
This makes neck lift surgery one of the safest and most reliable options in the realm of plastic surgery.
Tailoring the Procedure to Your Needs
The extent of the procedure is tailored to each patient’s specific requirements, with considerations for the amount of excess fat and the level of sagging.
For cases of minor sagging, laser liposuction or VASER treatments may be beneficial. In contrast, severe sagging and excess skin necessitate the removal of the surplus skin.

Recovery and Potential Side Effects

After the surgery, patients typically spend one day under hospital supervision. It is recommended to wear a face mask for the initial 2-3 days, and any swelling and edema in the face area should diminish within 7-10 days.

Side Effects of Neck and Chin Lift Surgery

  • Scarring: Scars from neck lift surgery are usually short and concealed under the chin, although in some cases, they may be longer and more visible. Discuss scar management with your surgeon if you have concerns about excessive scarring.
  • Pain and Numbness: Some degree of pain and numbness is common after surgery. Changes in facial movement, tightness, tingling, sharp intermittent pains, or cold sensations may also occur temporarily, typically subsiding within a few weeks.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Post-operative swelling and bruising are expected but should gradually improve within a few days.

Neck Lift Surgery in Turkey | Before And After