
When you wake up on the first day after the operation, you will see liquid and a little blood outflow on the neck bandage area and the pillow. Don’t worry, this is normal and only happens on the first day.

HAIR WASH (total 12 hair wash, once a day):





Start 2 days after the hair transplantation (for example if the operation was on Monday, start on

Wednesday for the first hair wash) applied 1 time a day before going to bed. After the 7th hair wash, you must remove the blood rests with a soft hand massage to the transplanted area.

1-Foam Spray: Applied to the area where hair roots are transplanted only and washed after 30-45 minutes.

At the wash time the foam tab with the hand at the same time to the transplanted area, this will help remove the foam.

2-Shampoo: Applied to the head in general.

– Donor area: Apply shampoo to the donor area and wash with normal hand massage.

This will help remove the foam.
2-Shampoo: Applied to the head in general.

– Donor area: Apply shampoo to the donor area and wash with normal
hand massage.

– Transplanted area: Make foam with the hands and apply it to the transplanted area and wash sensitively (first seven days only tab, no massage.)

– Make sure that you wash your hair with warm water with no pressure. Hot or cold water might damage the transplanted grafts.

– Avoid rubbing or scratching the transplanted area.

– Do not use a hair blower for drying your hair.

– Use a paper towel to dry your hair after washing it.

– If you have itching or pain in the donor area, you can use the foam.

After the 10th wash, you can start massaging the transplanted area gently and make the massage each day a bit stronger.
After the 12th wash, take pictures of your hair from different angles and send us for doctor control.


– Lie on your back in the first week.
– Use the forehead band for the first 2 days.
– Do not smoke for the first three days.

– Avoid alcohol and sexual intercourse for the first seven days, avoid dusty environments, and protect your head against impacts.

– Avoid sports, fitness and steam baths, swimming activities, and sun baths for the first one month.

– Make sure scissors are used for your haircut for the first six months, clippers may damage your hair. Hair color can be used after 6 months.

(It is normal to feel itchy, pain, and swelling for the first ten days. It will pass.)

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

When will the hair begin to grow after the hair implant?

Donor area – back of the head looks like before (density) after 2- 6 weeks. Implanted hairs will start to come out 3-4 months later. 6 months later it will complete 70% of its growth, and 12 months later it will be done 100%. It might take up to 1,5 years for the hair transplanted on the apex to give maximum results.

Will There Be a Scar Left After the Operation?

After the operation, there will be no scars in the area where hair roots are taken.

on the area taken will disappear within 15 days to 1 month. The biggest advantage of the Fue system is that it leaves no scars.

What can I do to cover my original hair from hair loss? And how can I support the transplanted hair follicles in the long term?

we recommend to all our patients to use the ClinMedica Support Products.

Organized Instructions:

1. Shampooing should be done daily to remove the scabs. After about 7-10 days there should be no more traces of dried blood or scabs on your scalp. YYou may start washing your hair in the normal way within 14 days after the transplant.

If needed you can also wash the hair more than once a day after the operation. Continue using the special shampoo until the bottle is empty and also keep committed to herbal shampoo that is chemical-free for about 6 months post the operation.

2. After washing, dry your hair with a paper towel. Do not rub – just pat it very gently. The moisturizer should be used until the scabs fall off or until the scalp feels dry by dabbing and no massage should be done. It is also possible to use the moisturizer in between the hair washes if the sensation of dryness is persistent

Using a hair blower is prohibited but at least one month post the operation

3. Antibiotic cream (Fusidin or Bacitracin) might be needed sometime during the recovery progress When pimples or bumps are noticed in the recipient or donor areas, this cream should be applied directly on the inflamed areas, On night 6, apply a fair amount of antibiotic ointment to the newly transplanted graft area and keep it on overnight, This will help to loosen up the scabs before you wash your head on day 7 by dabbing only.

4. It is normal to bleed slightly overnight. To protect your linens, you may want to put a rolled towel under your nick over your pillow for the first few nights after the procedure.

5. The itchiness in most cases indicates that the tissue is recovering. In case it becomes very strong, you can use an antihistamine pill.

6. Do not try to get rid of the scabs by using your nails. It may cause the transplanted grafts to fall off and Do not use any product on your hair.

7. Start taking 1000mg of Vitamin C three times per day as this helps with healing

8. Avoid bending, lifting, and straining for 1 week after your procedure, Avoid strenuous activity of any kind for 1 week. Too much activity could cause swelling, bleeding, and loss of grafts. Keep activity VERY minimal. Bend at the knees instead of at the waist when picking up objects and tying shoes

9. you can start to go for a short walk or do very light physical exercises that do not make you sweat 10 days post-op but It is recommended to take a shower shortly after the workouts to minimize any risk of infections but any swimming or gym or bodybuilding or fitness exercises is forbidden for one month post the operation.

10. For the first 5 days after your surgery, you can spray regular saline water on your scalp.